Revenue Enablement

Revenue Generation through Employee Empowerment and Enablement

by Mentor Group / February 16, 2023

In today's rapidly changing business landscape, organizations are seeking ways to increase revenue and remain competitive. One solution that many companies are turning to is empowering and enabling their employees.

By investing in employee development and growth, organizations can drive revenue and stay ahead in an ever-evolving market. In this blog post, we'll take a look at the statistics that support the importance of employee empowerment and enablement in driving revenue. 


Improved Employee Performance 

Empowering and enabling employees can lead to improved performance and better job satisfaction. In a survey of employees, 80% of respondents reported that they felt more confident in their job after participating in empowerment and enablement programs. Additionally, a study found that companies with strong employee empowerment programs saw a 20% increase in employee performance. 


Increased Employee Retention 

Investing in employee empowerment and enablement can also increase employee retention. In a survey of employees, 70% of respondents reported that they were more likely to stay with a company that invested in their development and growth. Additionally, a study found that companies with strong employee empowerment programs saw a 40% reduction in employee turnover. 


Boosted Company Revenue 

By improving employee performance and reducing employee turnover, companies can also boost their revenue. In a survey of companies, 77% of managers reported that the implementation of employee empowerment and enablement programs resulted in increased revenue. A study found that companies with strong employee empowerment programs saw a 25% increase in revenue. 


Competitive Advantage 

Investing in employee empowerment and enablement can provide a competitive advantage in the marketplace. In a survey of companies, 80% of managers reported that their investment in these programs gave them a competitive advantage over their competitors. 



Investing in employee empowerment and enablement is crucial for driving revenue and remaining competitive in today's rapidly changing business landscape. By improving employee performance, increasing employee retention, and boosting company revenue, companies can stay ahead and drive success. Companies that prioritize employee empowerment and enablement will have a competitive advantage in driving revenue and growth. 

Tags: Revenue Enablement

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Mentor Group

Mentor Group are a data-led sales transformation company, dedicated to helping organisations sell more often, for more money, faster than ever before.