Technology, AI, & VR

From Classroom to Virtual Reality: The Evolution of Employee Training with VR, AI, and AR

by Mentor Group / February 16, 2023

The way employees receive training has changed significantly in recent years, with the rise of virtual reality (VR), artificial intelligence (AI), and augmented reality (AR) technologies.  

Gone are the days of traditional classroom training sessions and boring PowerPoints. Today's employees want training that is interactive, engaging, and personalized to their individual needs.  

In this blog post, we'll take a look at the evolution of employee training and the impact that VR, AI, and AR technologies are having. 


The Shift from Classroom to Virtual Training 

Traditionally, employee training was conducted in a classroom setting with a trainer delivering a lecture. This approach was time-consuming, inefficient, and often failed to engage employees. In recent years, there has been a shift towards virtual training, with companies investing in VR, AI, and AR technologies. These technologies allow companies to create immersive, interactive training sessions that engage employees and result in better retention of information. 


VR for Employee Training 

VR is revolutionizing the way employees receive training. With VR, employees can participate in simulated training sessions that feel real, providing a more engaging and effective learning experience. In a survey of employees, 87% reported increased engagement levels after participating in a VR-based training program, compared to traditional training methods. 


AI for Personalized Learning 

AI is playing a big role in personalizing employee training. With AI algorithms, companies can analyze an employee's performance in VR simulations, and provide tailored feedback and lessons. This results in more effective training and improved employee performance. In a survey of managers, 92% reported an improvement in employee performance and productivity after implementing AI in their training programs. 


AR for On-the-Job Training 

AR is being used to enhance on-the-job training. With AR, employees can receive real-time information and feedback while they are performing tasks, making the training process more efficient and effective. In a survey of employees, 80% reported that they retained information better after participating in an AR-based training program, compared to traditional training methods. 


The evolution of employee training from traditional classroom sessions to virtual reality experiences has been driven by the rise of VR, AI, and AR technologies.  

These technologies are providing employees with more engaging, interactive, and personalized training experiences, which results in better retention of information and improved employee performance.  

As technology continues to evolve, it is likely that virtual reality training will become increasingly common in the workplace, revolutionizing the way employees receive training. 

Tags: Revenue Transformation Technology Revenue Enablement

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Mentor Group

Mentor Group are a data-led sales transformation company, dedicated to helping organisations sell more often, for more money, faster than ever before.