Talent Retention & Onboarding

The Benefits of Employee Onboarding for Company Performance and Growth

by Mentor Group / February 16, 2023

Employee onboarding is a critical component of the employee lifecycle, and it has a significant impact on company performance and growth. 

A well-designed onboarding program can help new hires acclimate to their role, build relationships with their colleagues, and become productive contributors to the organization. 

Here are some statistics that demonstrate the benefits of employee onboarding for company performance and growth: 


Improved productivity: A study by TalentCulture found that organizations with a comprehensive onboarding program saw a 50% improvement in new hire productivity compared to those without. 


Increased employee satisfaction: A study by Robert Half found that employees who went through an effective onboarding program reported higher job satisfaction compared to those who did not. 


Reduced turnover rates: A study by Glassdoor found that organizations with a comprehensive onboarding program experienced a 30% reduction in turnover rates compared to those without. 


Increased sales: A study by Harvard Business Review found that organizations with an effective onboarding program experienced a 20% increase in sales compared to those without. 


To maximize the benefits of employee onboarding, organizations should: 


Make it comprehensive: Onboarding should cover all aspects of the employee experience, from job duties and expectations to company culture and values. 


Make it a priority: Onboarding should be a priority for the organization and allocated the necessary resources and time to ensure its success. 


Encourage employee participation: Onboarding should be an interactive experience that encourages new hires to participate and engage with their colleagues and the organization. 


Provide ongoing support: Onboarding does not end on the first day of work. Organizations should continue to provide new hires with support and resources as they acclimate to their role and workplace. 


In conclusion, employee onboarding is a critical component of the employee lifecycle that has a significant impact on company performance and growth.  

By making onboarding comprehensive, a priority, and encouraging employee participation, organizations can build a more productive, motivated, and engaged workforce that drives long-term success. 

Tags: Revenue Transformation Productivity Sales Methodologies and Processes

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Mentor Group

Mentor Group are a data-led sales transformation company, dedicated to helping organisations sell more often, for more money, faster than ever before.