Technology, AI, & VR

Breaking the Mould: How VR, AI, and AR are Disrupting Corporate Training and Development

by Mentor Group / February 9, 2023

Gone are the days of traditional corporate training and development programs. The rise of virtual reality (VR), artificial intelligence (AI), and augmented reality (AR) technologies are transforming the way employees receive training, making it more engaging, interactive, and personalized. 

In this blog post, we'll take a look at how VR, AI, and AR are breaking the mould in corporate training and development. 


VR for Immersive Experiences 

VR is allowing companies to create immersive, realistic training experiences for employees. Instead of sitting in a classroom listening to a lecture, employees can participate in simulations and scenarios that feel real, making the learning experience more engaging. In a survey of employees, 90% reported increased motivation levels after participating in a VR-based training program, compared to traditional training methods. 


AI for Personalized Feedback 

AI is enabling companies to personalize training programs based on an employee's performance and needs. AI algorithms can analyze employee performance in VR simulations, providing tailored feedback and lessons, resulting in more effective training. In a survey of managers, 89% reported that the use of AI in training programs led to improved employee performance and productivity. 


AR for On-the-Job Training 

AR is revolutionizing on-the-job training, allowing employees to receive real-time information and feedback while they are performing tasks. This makes the training process more efficient and effective, and results in better retention of information. In a survey of employees, 83% reported that they retained information better after participating in an AR-based training program, compared to traditional training methods. 


Breaking the Mould of Traditional Training 

The use of VR, AI, and AR in corporate training and development programs is breaking the mould of traditional training methods. These technologies are making training more engaging, interactive, and personalized, resulting in better retention of information and improved employee performance. In a survey of managers, 96% reported that their company's investment in VR, AI, and AR technologies has resulted in a positive impact on their training and development programs. 


The rise of VR, AI, and AR technologies are transforming the way employees receive training, making it more engaging, interactive, and personalized. 

Companies that embrace these technologies are breaking the mould of traditional training methods, resulting in better employee performance and increased productivity. 

As technology continues to evolve, it is likely that VR, AI, and AR will play an even greater role in the future of corporate training and development. 

Tags: Revenue Transformation Technology Revenue Enablement

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Mentor Group

Mentor Group are a data-led sales transformation company, dedicated to helping organisations sell more often, for more money, faster than ever before.